Category: Other Announcements

English Graduate Student Association

Important News on Conference Funding

A letter from our president, Holly Spofford… Dear EGSA, Dr. Russell has asked me to let you know that our conference funding for this semester is drying up—so many of us have travelled to conferences that Dr. Gardner said he can probably fund (at best) one or two more students for conference presentations. It’s a…
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February 11, 2019 0

New EGSA Conference Database

Along with other recent changes to this website, Sørina Higgins and Sarah Tharp have contributed a helpful database for all of us coordinating travels to conferences. If you are considering or attending a conference and wish to coordinate with other conference attendees, check out this box file where the EGSA Conference Database  is stored. You can add…
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October 24, 2018 0

New Policy on Dissertation Defense Committees

We recently received this clarifying new document from our esteemed president: Official Dissertation Committee Policy   

October 23, 2018 0

Conference Opportunity for EGSA Members

Dear all, Here is a message from our very own Christina Boyles concerning a promising, and close, upcoming conference. EGSA, This fall, I will be chairing the “Writings of Women of Color” panel at the SCMLA, which will take place in Austin, TX from October 18-22. I recently had one member of the panel withdraw,…
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June 16, 2014 0

Kind of Late EGSA Digest Note, Sort of

Dear all, Attached is a CFP for a journal out of the University of Dallas. The brief details are listed below. The due date for submissions is very soon, so I apologize for the last-minute forward. If you have any interesting CFPs that you would like to be included in the EGSA Digest in the…
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May 18, 2014 0

Run-off Results

EGSA, The final results are in. General elections 2014 are officially over. This is how it happened:     So there you have it. Loren Warf will be our GSA Alternate for the 2014-2015 school year. Congratulations. And thank you to Amy Schroeder, who was both qualified and gracious but whose rock, paper, scissors maneuver fell just…
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April 28, 2014 0

Your future is in their hands; or, please sign some thank you cards

EGSA,   We are pleased to announce next year’s EGSA officers. On behalf of new EGSA president Ryan Womack, thank you very much to all of the outgoing officers and to everyone who has expressed a willingness to serve our fantastic association in any capacity.   Thank you card signer: You! (see below) Vice President: Andy Rasmussen Secretary: Elizabeth…
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April 28, 2014 0

EGSA Sizzle

EGSA, Do you feel it? It’s the electricity in the air. Nominations. Elections. EGSA meetings. Tingly. Don’t miss out on the excitement. Get your nominations in for next year’s positions (email me), get your dues paid so you can vote (give $10 to Christina), and then get yourself to tomorrow’s (4/17) EGSA meeting at 2:30pm…
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April 16, 2014 0

EGSA Salivate: Cheap books

Hey EGSA, Good news. You get to claim another shelf on the bookcase you share with your roommate because a large selection of excellent, inexpensive books is now available to you. You can never have too many books, and you can never claim too many shelves from your roommate. So check out Dr. Scales’s announcement…
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March 31, 2014 0

Fall 2014 Course Description

EGSA, Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Attached is the Fall 2014 Course Description Booklet. Lucky you. Jeremy Leatham EGSA Secretary Fall 2014 course description booklet  

March 17, 2014 0